Escape Car & Bike Fourni Rental vi dà il benvenuto all’isola di Fourni Escape Fourni rentals – Fourni Korseon
Fourni ESCAPE Car & Bike Fourni Rentals è un’ impresa di noleggiodi macchine e motorini sull’isola di Fourni Korseon di Ikaria. L’impresa opera dal 1997 e la sua sede si trova al paesino Fourni, vicino al porto dell’isola. La flotta dell’impresa è composta da macchine nuove e da una gamma di motorini di fabbricanti europei.

The Crossover category includes small SUVs.
Have a look at what we offer and find the car that suits you!

The Compact category includes cars that are very popular with our customers. There is plenty of room for the rear seat passengers as well as comfortable traveling and fitting in their luggage.

The Small category includes small and medium-sized cars known to the general public. There is plenty of space for the rear seat passengers, as well as a comfortable trip and fitting in their luggage.

The smallest category available for rent at Escape Fourni Rentals is the Mini Cars category. Mini in size, these cars are ideal for parking. As space in small cars is limited, these vehicles are best for four people with small luggage.

The small - automatic category is Mini A / T. Mini in size, these cars are ideal for parking. Two-way as well as automatic is perfect for a relaxing holiday.

Motorcycles of the A' Group are widely appreciated by customers for their low fuel consumption and better mileage. The motorbikes in this segment are relatively large in size and are sporty and stunning.

The B' Group bikes offered by us feature Styles and offer you a high-performance gasoline engine. These motors are considered to be luxury in the middle class category.

We offer a wide variety of options in the C' Group. Both 50cc and 80cc are in a category of small 2-stroke single-cylinder engines of high performance.

The QUAD ATVs that we offer are widely appreciated by customers for their off-road capability, better stability and safety on 4 wheels. The ATV Class is considered to be all terrain in the high-end category.
Our Fleet

Scoprite le uniche bellezze di questo vecchio rifugio di pirati, con gli incantevoli piccoli golfi e le loro acque pulite e azzurre.Visitate paesini tradizionali e piccoli insediamenti e assaggiate i pesci freschissimi dell’isola.
In una macchina sicura e attendibile o in motorino il vostro giro per Fourni diventerà un’esperienza indimenticabile e unica.
• Prezzi senza addebitamenti nascosti
• Copertura assicurativa per danni causati a terze persone
• Assicurazione parziale o completa mista in seguito di un accordo
• Assicurazione in caso di accidente personale (solo per le macchine)
• Chilometri illimitati
• Soccorso stradale in tutta l’isola in meno di una ora (8:00-22:00)
• Cartina di Fourni e informazioni sull’isola
• Veicoli puliti e controllati dal nostro personale prima di ogni consegna
• Free road assistance (08:00-22:00)
• Map of Fourni and information about the island
• Clean and Tested vehicles by staff before every delivery